Monday, December 22, 2008

Note from the Yahoos

Important Notice Regarding Discontinuation of LAUNCHcast Plus Service and Refund Program


Beginning in February 2009, CBS Radio will power LAUNCHcast Radio. LAUNCHcast Radio will still be accessible from the Yahoo! site. However, it will be hosted and operated by CBS Radio rather than by Yahoo!. As part of the transition to CBS Radio, the LAUNCHcast Plus premium service will be closing on February 12, 2009.

As a subscriber to LAUNCHcast Plus, you will continue to have access to your premium subscription features until February 12, 2009. If there is any time left on your subscription account after February 12, you will automatically receive a prorated refund for any remaining subscription time. To ensure proper delivery of any prorated refunds, we strongly encourage you to check your account information and make sure everything is accurate and up-to-date. You can access your LAUNCHcast Plus account information here:

Even though the LAUNCHcast Plus subscription service will be discontinued, you will still have access to most of your favorite preprogrammed LAUNCHcast stations through the new CBS Radio-powered experience. The difference is that those radio stations will be supported by advertising and there will no longer be a commercial-free option.1

With LAUNCHcast Radio powered by CBS Radio, you will also get access to some new features, including a new streaming radio player and CBS Radio's wide variety of local music, news, talk, and sports programming. The new radio player will also be compatible with Macintosh computers and Firefox and Safari browsers. Not all existing LAUNCHcast features will continue, however. Your custom "My Station" and "Moods" stations will no longer be available after February 12, 2009. Additionally, you will no longer be able to add "Influencers" to your personalized "My Station."

There is no need to cancel or do anything with your service to make the transition to CBS Radio. Yahoo! will not transfer any of your account information to CBS Radio. You will not have to pay for the new LAUNCHcast service since it will be supported by advertising.

We hope you will enjoy our new radio experience and the broader range of radio stations that it will bring.


For more information about LAUNCHcast Radio and the changes to the service, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

1Radio station line up is subject to change and we cannot guarantee that all stations will be available after the transition to CBS Radio.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

LaunchCast to be MANGLED in February!


CBS and Yahoo! have created the worst mash-up in internet history.

CBS will make LaunchCast Mac compatible, at the great expenses of adding commercials and dumping the personalizations.

And I bet I can't get ANY of MY old DATA!